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Are you sure you want to start over? All current progress will be lost.

Don't know what's going wrong with your car? Let our intuitive service assistant guide you through our self-diagnostic center. This feature lets you narrow down possible auto problems based on symptoms, area, and visual inspection. Once the problem has been identified, we'll give you possible solutions.

To get started, please select your vehicle below.

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Contact Us

Phone: (320) 274-3181
Fax: (320) 274-3136
Address: 820 Elm St E
Annandale, MN 55302

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Annandale Auto Care LLC proudly serves the local Annandale, MN area. We understand that getting your car fixed or buying new tires can be overwhelming. Let us help you choose from our large selection of tires. We feature tires that fit your needs and budget from top quality brands, such as Toyo®, Hankook®, Vanderbilt®, and more. We pride ourselves on being your number one choice for any auto repair. Let us earn your business.